Finding the perfect academic writing service is not so easy task. We know how much a good grade matters for you. It’s only natural that you don’t have enough time to complete a compelling essay or term paper. Your grades shouldn’t lag behind due to your lack of time. There are hundreds of websites who claim to be the best writing service for college students. But only a few stand out to be a decent service. We are going to give you the true-to-heart review on We think our honest review will help you among other confusing Easy Essay reviews. So, let’s jump in!|Quality of Papers boasts of their line of services offered to the students. They truly are a great friend of the students as they offer their kind helping hand to create essays, research papers, term papers, course works, theses, case studies, book reports, and custom essay writings. So, we could say that they cover almost every kind of writing that a college or university student might need.
As we believe in giving only true and honest reviews, we tried out their services by ourselves. We wanted to see how good they write an essay on Architecture. So, we ordered a 15-page essay on Architecture. Easy-Essay has three kinds of service quality – Standard, Premium, and Platinum. The grade is determined by the educational qualification of the writers, priority and various other factors.
So, we went for the 3 days turnaround option having the Premium quality. The essay we received was truly marvelous. The writer put real thought to make the essay perfect. There was no sign of plagiarism. They gave us a Copyscape report. The essay was screaming out the top-notch quality of the writer. While some companies use fake writers claiming to have Masters or Ph.D. degrees, they were true to their words. Their money-back guarantee seemed quite justified as their writers were both talented and qualified.

Prices and Discounts
The best thing we felt about the company was their pricing policy. They have the cheapest rates on the market. Easy Essay prices were just perfect for the students who are always short on money! The 15-page essay on Architecture cost us $284.86 and they promised to deliver it within 3 days. This price is set based on urgency.
They charge as low as $14.99/page for the Premium version. If you are short on budget, you could go the Standard quality. The per-page charge for a Standard quality is only $12.99. Undoubtedly, they offer one of the cheapest rates in the market. Their low rates made our jaws drop! discounts are also remarkable. They have three tiers of discount packages – silver, gold, and platinum. They represent 5%, 10% and 15% discounts respectively. The student-friendly pricing policy sets them apart from the other academic writing services.

Customer Support
A good customer support is a great asset for any online services providers. With the global toll-free hotline service and live chat, option makes their customer support team quite remarkable. They don’t even use chat-bots like many other companies. A real human will help you get any particular information about them. The customer representatives are professional and have a deep knowledge of the concepts of academic writing. Moreover, they are very strict when it comes to keeping confidentiality and authenticity. They really know how to make a name in the online market. They certainly did a great job regarding the customer support issue!
Online Reputation
They certainly have a good reputation for their quality a professionalism on the internet. You will witness the customers’ grace on most of the testimonials. Although, there are some really bad reviews of them on some websites and forums. We believe it is a poor attempt to hurt their reputation. You could go for them without any hesitation.
So, we are at the concluding point of our review. They have passed all our acid tests with flying colors. It is a surprise seeing them curating such wonderful quality at such a low price. If you want that precious A+, you should go for them without a moment’s delay.